Andy Katz Photography - New York

Having lived in New York City for a decade, it’s clear to me why it is one of the major destinations of the world for photography. Virtually everything you could ever imagine is here.

The energy at the corner of Prince Street and Broadway is as different from what you’ll feel at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 58th Street as day is to night. Bankers to hot dog vendors, celebrities to struggling artists, students to gourmet chefs, doormen to debutantes – everyone marches to the rhythm of a vast urban metropolis that never sleeps.

If you’re lucky enough to walk the Mall at Central Park with its lines of American Elm trees on either side at magic hour, you know it’s an experience like no other. How could it be otherwise? After all this is Manhattan. If you truly engage with this city and open your heart, it will repay your attention with dividends again and again.

#New York City photography #Manhattan #Central Park


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